So this time I would be writing about a somewhat controversial subject; one that
has become more like the order of the day especially among the Christian
circles: About the "Seers" also known as "Prophets"...
Let me share an experience I once had and afterwards I would drive home a
few points...
So here goes my story:
Some years ago, I had an interview for a job which would have been a big
break for me at the time, as I had already passed the first 2 stages of
the process and this was to be the final stage which involved an oral
interview taking place at a government institution in Nigeria’s capital
city, Abuja...
I made the trip to Abuja on a Sunday afternoon so as to have my interview on Monday, and I was going to stay at my Dad’s friend’s place… Now the below
events took place while I was waiting for my Dad’s friend to come to pick me up at a public motor park just close to a major road with average traffic…
Standing there just minding my business, then some haggard-looking young man
with a cross-pendant necklace over his neck and smelling a bit of alcohol, passed by me… Then he looked at me and seemed to say some words like I should
read some verse in the Bible and what not… In fact, being who I was back then, I didn’t even
care to listen to what he had to say so I walked a bit away from him especially
considering the way he looks…
Then he acted like had left me alone and continued his walk down the road;
just for another young man who looked a bit more presentable to walk by me and met up with the ‘Prophet’ man and he also seemed to be telling him somethings which I
actually cared less about; I had a ride to watch out for and an all-important
interview tomorrow...
Then suddenly this second young man, started talking to me in an anxious tone asking that we both go after the ‘Prophet’ to tell us more… He tried persuading me for less than a minute while the ‘Prophet’
was already walking away… And you can imagine my thought of him; I was upset... But guess what!
How I began to follow this young man to meet up with the ‘Prophet’ I did not
know… But somehow I followed him till we met up with the ‘Prophet’ in a partly hidden corner in the motor park… And that’s where the strangest part began… The ‘Prophet’
was speaking both to me and to the other guy; telling stuff about our backgrounds,
family and all... Even though my concern then was still what exactly was I doing listening to all
this, yet it seemed I was glued or powerless to move away...
Then as if to say the ‘Prophet’ knew my thoughts, he noticed I wasn’t looking
convinced enough, so he asked me to spit saliva on my left palm and cover it
and he would do some stuff without touching me, and I would find the saliva at
the back of my palm… And guess what again?... I followed his instruction strangely
and indeed I saw the saliva at the back of my palm as he said… Unbelievable
yes?... It may sound like a film trick if I was only told the story, but this was me participating in the action in real life...
Well, apart from the fear that gripped me afterward; the bigger concern I had
was that I would later discover that some of the things which the ‘Prophet’ was
saying to me about me were right, he actually gave some accurate "words of knowledge", at least for the few things I managed to hear him say...
Anyways, long story short, both guys were actually con men who worked
together around the town using some diabolic means to rip people of their money
and belongings, especially when they sense that you are a newbie in the town… My saving grace was that in my utter confusion when he then asked me to
drop everything I was holding on my hand with the second guy and walk down the road and pick up some sand and say "the
Lord's prayer" so that I would see who is responsible for all my problems… At this
point, my Dad’s friend was already calling my phone countless times and the ‘Prophet’
told me to switch off the phone that he was talking to me about a matter of life and death... Wonders indeed!...
So in my confusion under such pressure, I tried to walk away a bit from them to
find my Dad’s friend who was already very worried, it was then that some passersby saw me with the men in the corner and they began screaming that they were thieves… To my utter amazement, both of them ran off across
the road... It then dawned on me (as if my eyes were just opened) like I actually just nearly lost everything on me... I had 2
phones in my hand, my credentials in my back bag, my wallet… And indeed it was one
unforgettable experience!
Well, that’s my story… So, back to the subject matter and the moral of the
Let me begin by reminding us that, “Not all that glitters is Gold, and not all that
looks or feels good is of God!”
Even though from my story it probably would've been easy to tell that the guys were con men at least visibly from the way the "Prophet" guy looked... But in the times in which we now live, where everyone is desperate for solutions
to their life problems, and many are curious about knowing their past
and their future; there has never been a time when there is a massive onslaught of ‘wolves
in sheep clothing’ than in this present days…
Please do not misunderstand me; I believe in Prophecies and I believe in the Prophetic gift of the Holy Spirit; but it is also my belief that one of the easiest
ways to be misled this days would be to base your faith or your relationship with God
solely on prophecies or even on "Prophets", especially when you always have to depend on someone else to hear God for you or to speak to you about God's will or direction in every matter of your life…
In light of this, I share below 2 pointers by which I believe a true Prophet and true prophecies may be discerned:
In light of this, I share below 2 pointers by which I believe a true Prophet and true prophecies may be discerned:
1. If a Prophet or prophecy draws one away from God rather than
strengthening one's relationship with God… When you find more of fear and doubt
than faith and hope… There you have a red flag!... You would need to pray and double-check... The Bible says: 📖“…But the
one who prophesies speaks to people for their strengthening, encouraging and
comfort…” 1Cor.14:3 (NIV)
2. If a Prophet or prophecy is glorifying a man or exalting
anything or anyone else rather than Jesus Christ… When people are almost being drawn into
human worship to a point of almost exalting a man’s words above the written
Word of God (the Bible)… There you got another red flag!... You should pray and double-check... The Bible says: 📖“…For the
essence of prophecy is to give a clear witness for Jesus…" Rev.19:10 (NLT)
The 2 points above are definitely not all, but my overall point here is… The spirit realm is open to as many who would pay a price to walk in that realm… It is the same reason why the supernatural is also common to
other world religions, not only in Christianity… There were people casting out "demons" even before Jesus came, there were and there are still fortune-tellers, diviners, wizards, exorcists, hypnotists; people who operate by familiar spirits, and more who operate in spiritual gifts and dimensions that have no root in the Holy Spirit of God, and most of the deceptions of this End-Times will emanate from such...
So, a supernatural knowledge of someone's past or a telling of someone's future (no matter how accurate it may seem), is not enough yardstick to conclude that a Prophet is from the true God or operating by the power of the Holy Spirit… And your
ability to discern the true from the false will only grow stronger as your relationship with God and your knowledge of the Word of God grows deeper... Because indeed some false ones may even do and show more “good” works than the true ones...
So I conclude with the below Scripture verses (emphasis mine):
📖"...Later, Jesus sat on the slopes of the Mount of Olives. His disciples came to Him privately and asked, "When will all this take place? And will there be any sign ahead of time to signal Your return and the end of the world?"Jesus told them, "Don't let anyone mislead you...For false messiahs and false prophets will rise up and perform great miraculous signs and wonders so as to deceive, if possible, even God's chosen ones. See, I have warned you." Matthew 24:3-4,24-25 (NLT)
📖"Now the Spirit expressly says that in latter times some will depart from the faith, giving heed to deceiving spirits and doctrines of demons..." 1Timothy 4:1 (NKJV)
📖“…But God's truth stands firm like a foundation stone with this inscription:
"The LORD knows those who are His," and "All who belong to the
LORD must turn away from evil."…” 2Timothy 2:19 (NLT)
Thank you for reading! Please feel free to share!