The phrase "Sow a Seed" I believe is not uncommon to many Christians, especially in our present generation where many are desirous of God's blessings and prosperity in their diverse endeavours in life...

And for many, the sowing of seeds is most often in reference to the matter of giving, or more specifically giving money, either towards the Gospel, or to a preacher, or to help someone else, with an expectation of receiving back a return in a greater measure as harvest...

However, in this piece, I would attempt to look at the subject from a more spiritual perspective, since many also acknowledge the fact that the seed sown produces returns to the sower by a supernatural law of sowing and reaping which was instituted by God Himself who is a Spirit...

As the Bible stated in the following Scripture:
"While the earth remains, Seedtime and harvest, Cold and heat, Winter and summer, And day and night Shall not cease..." Genesis 8:22 (NKJV)

A few questions to consider:

- Must you sow a seed in order for you to receive blessings from God?
- Must a seed be only financial (money)?

So; first and foremost, in the realm of God (the spiritual), every living human being is actually sowing seeds daily by their words and actions... In other words, seed-sowing is not a matter of choice but is rather built into our innate design, whether we are doing so consciously to receive a blessing or not...

Moreso; Spiritually speaking, money in itself is not a seed! In fact, money or our currency is not recognized in the realm of the spirit, because money (the paper form we know) cannot buy a thing in that realm... The only medium of exchange in the spirit realm is blood (life), which is the reason why Jesus had to shed His blood and give His life in order for the spiritual transaction that brought about man's redemption to take place... The same reason why those who seek strong spiritual power from other sources for their personal gain or advantage, are often required to provide a life/blood of some sort to be used...

So even when money is given out in any circumstance relating to the spiritual, the money itself is not the actual seed, but rather the spirit or motive of the person giving it, that is what determines what kind of seed it is and what kind of reward it would bring back eventually...

So then what are spiritual seeds which count or hold value in God's realm?

Talking more specifically, the Bible speaks about The Fruit of the Spirit outlined in 9 key virtues (which the Holy Spirit embodies and produces in the Believer's life): "...But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, self-control. Against such there is no law." Galatians 5:22-23...

If truly fruits are produced from seeds and they also bear seeds in them, then we can deduce that the same good virtues outlined above are the spiritual seeds that God recognizes and rewards, just as their opposites are equally seeds that are capable of producing the wrong results in a person's life; as simple as we can differentiate between the rewards of walking in love and the consequences of living in hatred...

So, relating this to the sowing of seeds in terms of money; To the sower, he may have given out money, but in the realm of the spirit, he had sown a spiritual seed which could be love or kindness, or some other... And the reward will surely come back, but may not necessarily return in the same physical form (money), but in the same spiritual form (love for instance); And sometimes the reward for a seed sown may not even be reaped by the person in his/her lifetime but by the person's children or unborn generation, just like a tree can sometimes outlive the person who planted it...

So then it becomes very possible to give money towards the Gospel or to a minister of God or to the poor/needy, out of love, but in return, God rewards the giver with a job or even a child as God's own show of love based on the giver's need...

In the same manner, when someone keeps sowing seeds of hate, envy, unfaithfulness, selfishness, and the likes, even though money may not be involved, those are also spiritual seeds which have the ability to produce their own form of harvest too, irrespective of the fact that nothing material was involved; For instance, hate is a bad spiritual seed which has the capacity to produce the evil fruit of murder if left to grow unchecked...

Jesus the Master also emphasized about the superiority of the state of the heart or motives of the giver, over the size or nature of the gift, in the Lessons of the Widow's Mite (Mark 12:41-44), and the Woman with the Alabaster Box (Mark 14:3-9)...

And the point I am trying to make here is that the sowing of seeds does not begin or end with giving money or other material substance, but much more than that, the motives of the giver's heart is what gives the seed its proper name in the spiritual realm, irrespective of what the giver chooses to call the seed or the errand the giver sends the seed to accomplish, this may explain why many give and keep giving and it seems like nothing is coming back from God...

We also know that the greatest seed ever sown was by God Himself in giving His only Son Jesus to die for man's redemption, and that popular verse in John 3:16 clearly stated the true spirit behind God's Seed... So we know that in the sufferings of Christ and His death on the cross, God sowed a seed of love which today has produced for Him a harvest of many fruits of love: sons and daughters who are lovers of God, and who are born of the same seed which He sowed through Christ...

"For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son, that whoever believes in Him should not perish but have everlasting life." John 3:16 (NKJV)

So in the context of our main discussion; there is surely a difference between giving out money so as to get money back (which is more like investment in the natural); and giving out of love, which may not be money-wise necessarily...

Therefore, while the Believer who desires prosperity MUST give and sow seeds as a proof of their faith in, obedience to, and love for God and His Kingdom, the Believer's primary focus must remain to keep growing in the knowledge of God and developing Christ-like character through the help of God's Holy Spirit, thereby ensuring that their seeds (money, material, or others) hold the right value in the spiritual realm, producing for them the right kind of spiritual fruits translated into a physical harvest of rewards...

"...[Remember] this: he who sows sparingly and grudgingly will also reap sparingly and grudgingly, and he who sows generously [that blessings may come to someone] will also reap generously and with blessings." 2Corinthians 9:6 (AMP)

"Do not be deceived, God is not mocked; for whatever a man sows, that he will also reap." Galatians 6:7 (NKJV)

So, Yes every believer should sow seeds, or better still, every believer is sowing seeds, and we must sow correctly and with understanding so as not to lose the reward for our obedience.

Thank you for reading!

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