To breed contagious Christians in Africa and beyond, who reflect the fullness of the nature and glory of God.

To produce spiritually matured Christ-like Believers who know God personally and love God passionately, transformed by the power of the Holy Spirit to live as true Disciples and Ambassadors for Jesus Christ daily.

  • Providing an atmosphere in which the Believer can engage in personal intimate communion with God so as to find true peace, hope, and rest, and to experience life-transforming divine encounters.
  • Providing Bible-based resources and contents that strengthen the faith of the Believer and engender spiritual growth so as to live an exemplary Christian lifestyle.
  • Providing Biblical counseling to mentor and guide Believers concerning diverse matters of life and living on Earth.
  • Teaching and enlightening Believers to gain a proper understanding of the ways of God from a balanced scriptural viewpoint.
  • Empowering Believers by the Holy Spirit to become positive influencers and change agents in their various capacities.
  • Reaching out to the lost and broken with the love of Jesus and God's saving grace, able to make their lives whole again.
  • Emphasizing God's eternal plans and purposes for humanity and the glory of His divine agenda for mankind.

  • Grace  -  Ephesians 2:8-9
  • Order  -  1 Corinthians 14:33,40 
  • Diligence  -  Romans 12:11
  • Love  -  Matthew 22:37-40
  • Impact  -  Matthew 5:14-16
  • New-birth  -  2 Corinthians 5:17
  • Empowerment  -  Acts 1:8
  • Separation  -  2 Corinthians 6:14-18
  • Servanthood  -  Mark 10:44

  • The Trinity: God, the Heavenly Father; Jesus Christ, God's sinless Son; and the Holy Spirit of God.
  • The New-Birth experience (being Born Again), the water baptism by immersion, and the infilling of the Holy Spirit.
  • The Bible (the Holy Scriptures) written by the inspiration of the Holy Spirit as the Believer's guide in all matters of life and beyond.
  • Spirit-inspired music/songs as a tool for divine worship and spiritual edification.
  • Divine Encounters and Testimonies as a means to declare God's reality and glory.
  • The Supernatural, as the inexplicable acts of God on the Earth to declare His glory, sovereignty, and majesty.
  • The Rapture of the saints of God; the Great Tribulation, and the Second Coming of Jesus Christ.
  • Heaven, as the destination of the believer after life on Earth; and Hell as the final destination of the unbeliever.
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